
So in this blog I going to explore and possible answer these two questions:

  • Is there any increase in sentiment of the members of the Danish parliament on the topics related to datatilsynet,persondata,persondataloven,databeskyttelse in the parliament discussion?

  • Then, which parties are more involved in the parliament about the above topics?

So, let’s get started:

Installing the danparcorpR package

First, we need to install the danparcorpR pacakge. To install this package first you need to install the remotes package. So first run this:

#> Loading required package: remotes

The above package makes that you can install package from the github, which is the case of the danparcorpR package, at the moment. So having the remotes package, you can install dancoprR package as the follows:

Note: Since it contains a bit of large text data inside it, installation may take a few minutes (less than 5 min usually) so just be patient until the below installation is completed :)


Now, the package should have been installed and it is ready to use.


In our analysis in this blog, we will need the following four packages. I wrote small comments in front of them what they do,

library(danparcorpR)        # main library of the data
library(tidytext)           # the library for text processing
library(lubridate)          # library to deal with date data
library(tidyverse)          # library for data processing and visulization

Data Processing

Now, since in this specific analysis we are considering to analyze the data of whole 8 years (generally I do not recommend this one since data becomes so large on the memory, better use the subset of the data as much as possible, like corpus_2010)

Here, I am joining the tables together,

all_8_year <- rbind(corpus_2009, corpus_2010, corpus_2011,
            corpus_2012, corpus_2013,corpus_2014,
            corpus_2015, corpus_2016)

Here, we are converting the data to the tidy data. It means, each word of the tekst column will be one row, also we are removing the Parti with NA (which as I wrote in github Readme are the formand or Minister):

corpus_tidy_text <- all_8_year %>%
  select(Starttid, Parti, Tekst) %>%
  drop_na(Parti) %>%
  filter(Parti != "") %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, Tekst)

So, after doing this, what we do is group the data with (half_year, word and Parti) and count them, using the tally function:

tidy_text_count <- corpus_tidy_text %>%
  group_by(half_year=round_date(Starttid, "halfyear"), word, Parti) %>%